Sunday, 17 March 2013

Billing Block

A billing block is referring to the order and other aspects of how credits are presented for plays, films, television, or other creative works. Information given in billing usually consists of the companies, actors, directors, producers, and other crew members.

The billing block, which appears at the bottom of the film poster, at the end of the trailer and on the website, has been used as it adds to the professional aspect of the overall outcome.  The text which appears larger is the more important text as it states the film production, cast and producers. This has been made larger as this is the information which the audience is most interested in. 

Billing Block examples:

These are example of billing  blocks which have been used in media products today. the text has used space removal so that the text appears 'squashed'. We decided to continue with this for our billing block creating the spaces between letters shorter. this makes the overall outcome look more realistic. Again the examples show that the more important information has been capitalised as this is the information which is most important for the audience to notice, as they are more likely to see the film if the actors are well known or if its a well known production company. 

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