Thursday 25 October 2012

Representation of the protagonist character

Our protagonist character is based on Jack The Ripper, we  chose to use the case-study of Jack The Ripper as he is a famous figure in British history as a serial killer, and has had a series of "copy-cat" killers since the 19th century using the same style as Jack The Ripper, such as the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe in 1981 (mentioned in the previous post). Our film follows the idea of Jack The Ripper "copy-cat" serial killers, as our protagonist character is one. 

Our main character is a representation of fear and mystery. A representation of the dark side of all of us, making him not someone, but a part of everyone. Jack The Ripper is an example of what anyone can be capable of, thus the amount of "copy-cats". As the identity of Jack The Ripper is unknown, we decided that the face and name of our protagonist character would not be shown, even in shots of him as a boy.  This removes the serial killers identity, which creates a fear among the audience.

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